The Higher Education Scholarship is for spouses and dependents of service members who have been KIA, lost a limb, died while on active duty, or who have been classified as having a service connected evaluation, rated by the VA.
You will need to be enrolled or planning to be enrolled in an undergraduate program leading to a Bachelor’s degree. You will have to go to an accredited college or university. You can also be enrolled in an accredited technical or trade school program which results in a certificate or diploma, as long as you don’t already have a Bachelor’s degree.
The award will be used to subsidize the costs of tuition, school books, fees, on-campus room and board, and approved education and tutoring as well as other expenses.
This award is based on “unmet need” and can be valued up to $5,000. If a student is going to school on a part-time basis, they would only receive up to $2,500.
There is also a Children’s Fund Scholarship to help provide support for dependents ages K-12 for approved and accredited private school tuition, educational tutoring, required books, and school uniforms.