Recipents 1
Award $5,000
Open Date
Deadline Date 04/15/2025
Recurring Event Yes
State Specific Scholarship No
School Specific Scholarship No
Website Link
Military Branch: Marine Corps, Navy, Coast Guard
Military Status:
Student Background:
Student Disability:
Academic Status:
Academic Level: Post-Graduate
Degree Specific: No
The Robert W. Nolan Scholarship gives preference to applicants studying at the postgraduate level.
Applicants may be servicemembers (current or veterans), their spouses, and dependent children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren of FRA members in good standing.
Students may apply through the service of a spouse, parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent or through their own service.
Applicants must attend a U.S. institution and have not received or will not be receiving scholarships, awards, or grants that that fully pay their tuition. They may be asked to provide SAT/ACT scores, and on a separate sheet of paper, must list their extracurricular school and community activities, and awards. If they have none, they must include a page stating this.
All applicants must have two recommendations, one academic and one community.