College Recon

Scholarship Finder

Virginia Military Survivors & Dependents Education Program - Tier 2



Recipents    Multiple

Award    Full Tuition


Open Date   


Deadline Date   05/01/2025


Recurring Event    Yes


State Specific Scholarship    Yes


School Specific Scholarship    No


Website    Link

Who's Eligible

Military Branch:   

Military Status:   

Student Background:   

Student Disability:   

Academic Status:   

Academic Level:   

Degree Specific:    No


Available to Tier 2 Authorizations: - Tuition and Mandatory Fees Waiver – Eligible students, as confirmed by DVS, are guaranteed waiver of all tuition and mandatory fees for 8 semesters at a Virginia public college or university. - VMSDEP Stipend – Eligible students may receive a stipend one time during the semester to off-set educational expenses such as room, board, books, and supplies. The stipend amount is determined annually by SCHEV and is dependent on the student’s enrollment status; the number of participating students; and the available funding. A Tier 2 qualifying military service member is one who: Served in military combat and due to such service was: - Killed In Action; or - Became Missing In Action; or - Was taken Prisoner Of War; or - Became rated by the USDVA as totally and permanently disabled or at least 90% permanently disabled. NOTE: Service in military combat includes (1) a military operation against terrorism; (2) a peacekeeping mission; (3) a terrorist act; or (4) any armed conflict. NOTE: A Tier 2 qualifying service member must also meet the domiciliary requirement as defined in the Code of Virginia § 23.1-608. A Spouse must: Be the current spouse of a Tier 2 qualifying military service member; and Attend a Virginia public college or university. A Child must: Be the biological or adopted child of a Tier 2 qualifying military service member; and Be between ages of 16 and 29; and Attend a Virginia public college or university. A Stepchild must: Be the stepchild of a deceased Tier 2 qualifying military service member who claimed the stepchild on his or her tax return or on his or her Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System while serving on active duty; and Be between ages of 16 and 29; and Attend a Virginia public college or university.

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